Thursday, June 04, 2009

European Vacation

So now I can finally say " Yes I have been to Barcelona!", and "Yes, I have see all the Gaudi..."
It was all worth it even if it did cost a small fortune. I was surprized that a lot of what I thought were mosaics were actually painted effects. Now there's a thought...should be a lot quicker.
Anyway, the two months were full of mosaics that kept popping up like mushrooms.
For the record, my favourite place in Barcelona was the food market halfway down the Ramblos. Colour mixed with fishy smells and people everywhere.
It was easy to see why Senor Guell was sent broke by Gaudi, I think it was all worth it when you see how many people from all parts of the world come to visit these buildings. Wish today's developers had the guts to go wild.

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